Friday, June 30, 2023

kids drawing

How to Encourage Your Kids to Draw.

Drawing is a fun and creative activity that can help your kids express themselves, develop their imagination, and improve their fine motor skills. Drawing can also boost their confidence, self-esteem, and emotional well-being. But how can you encourage your kids to draw more often and enjoy it? Here are some tips:

  • Provide them with a variety of drawing materials, such as crayons, pencils, markers, paints, brushes, paper, stickers, etc. Let them choose what they want to use and experiment with different colours, textures, and effects.

  • Create a comfortable and inviting space for drawing, where they have enough room, light, and privacy. You can also decorate the space with their drawings or other artworks to inspire them.
  • Show interest and appreciation for their drawings, without judging or criticizing them. Ask them questions about what they drew, what they like about it, what it means to them, etc. Praise their effort and creativity, not just the outcome.
  • Draw with them sometimes, but don’t compare your drawings or try to teach them how to draw. Just have fun and enjoy the process together. You can also suggest some themes or challenges to spark their imagination, such as animals, superheroes, monsters, etc.
  • Expose them to different kinds of art, such as books, magazines, cartoons, movies, museums, galleries, etc. Help them discover different styles, techniques, and artists that they might like or learn from.
  • Encourage them to draw from their own experiences, feelings, dreams, fantasies, etc. Drawing can be a way for them to express themselves and cope with their emotions. You can also use drawing as a conversation starter or a bonding activity with your kids.

Drawing is a wonderful gift that you can give to your kids. By following these tips, you can help them develop their artistic potential and have fun along the way. 

             In this blog, we will show you how to draw some of the most popular and fun things that kids love to draw, such as animals, people, cars, flowers, and more. We will also give you some tips and tricks on how to make your drawings look more realistic, colourful, and lively.

How to Draw an Elephant.

Elephants are amazing animals that are known for their large size, long trunk, and big ears. They are also very smart, loyal, and friendly. Here is how you can draw an elephant in six easy steps:

  1. Draw a large oval for the body and a smaller circle for the head. Connect them with a curved line for the neck.
  2. Draw a long curved line for the trunk and two small circles for the eyes. Add two small ovals for the ears and two curved lines for the tusks.
  3. Draw four long rectangles for the legs and four small ovals for the feet. Add some lines for the toes.
  4. Draw a curved line for the tail and a small triangle for the tip. Add some details on the body, such as wrinkles and spots.
  5. Erase the extra lines and shapes that you don’t need.
  6. Colour your elephant with Gray or any colour you like. You can also add some background elements, such as trees, grass, or clouds.

How to Draw a Person.

People are one of the most common and interesting things that kids like to draw. They can be your family, friends, celebrities, or even yourself. Here is how you can draw a person in seven easy steps:

  1. Draw an oval for the head and a curved line for the spine. Add two lines for the shoulders and two lines for the hips.
  2. Draw two circles for the eyes and a small curve for the nose. Add a curved line for the mouth and two small curves for the ears.
  3. Draw two ovals for the arms and two ovals for the legs. Add some curves for the elbows and knees.
  4. Draw two circles for the hands and two circles for the feet. Add some lines for the fingers and toes.
  5. Draw some hair on top of the head and some clothes on the body. You can choose any hairstyle and outfit you like.
  6. Erase the extra lines and shapes that you don’t need.
  7. Colour your person with any colours you like. You can also add some accessories, such as glasses, hat, or jewellery.

How to Draw a Car.

Cars are cool machines that can take you anywhere you want to go. They come in different shapes, sizes, colours, and models. Here is how you can draw a car in five easy steps:

  1. Draw a rectangle for the body and two smaller rectangles for the windows.
  2. Draw two circles for the headlights and two curves for the bumpers.
  3. Draw four circles for the wheels and four smaller circles inside them.
  4. Draw some details on the body, such as doors, mirrors, grill, or logo.
  5. Erase the extra lines and shapes that you don’t need.
  6. Colour your car with any colours you like. You can also add some stickers, flames, or stripes.

How to Draw a Flower.

Flowers are beautiful plants that can brighten up any place with their colours and fragrance. They come in different types, such as roses, sunflowers, tulips, or daisies. Here is how you can draw a flower in four easy steps:

  1. Draw a circle for the centre of the flower and several petals around it.
  2. Draw a stem with two leaves at the bottom of the flower.
  3. Draw some details on the flower, such as dots, lines, or patterns.
  4. Erase the extra lines and shapes that you don’t need.
  5. Colour your flower with any colours you like. You can also add some background elements, such as grass, sky, or butterflies.


We hope you enjoyed this blog and learned how to draw some of the most popular and fun things that kids love to draw. Remember, drawing is a skill that you can improve with practice and patience. Don’t worry if your drawings are not perfect or look different from others. The most important thing is to have fun and express yourself.

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Can students work for USA ?

Yes, student can work in the USA under some condition. The USA government provide opportunities for international student to work on or off Campus while pursuing their studies. Here are a few options available to students 

1.     1.  On-Campus Employment: International student with F-1 visas are generally allowed to work on             the premises in their school or university. This could include jobs such as working in the library,              cafeteria,  or administrative office.

2.  Curricular Practical Training ( CPT): CPT allows F-1 students to work off-campus in a job Related to their field of study . Students must receive authorization form their designated school official (DSO) and have the employment listed as part of their curriculum.

    3.    Operational practical training (OPT): OPT is a period of temporary employment that directly                    related to an F-1 student’s major area of study. Students can apply   for pre-completion OPT                   (before completing their studies) or post-completion OPT (after completion their studies). It                   requires authorization form the USA. Citizenship and Immigration services (USCIS)

          4.  STEM OPT Extension: students who have completed a degree in Science, Technology,                         Engineering, or Mathematics may be eligible for an extension of their OPT period. This allows               them to work in the USA for an additional 24 months.

          5. Economic Hardship Employment: In case of severe economic hardship, F-1 students may be                  eligible to work off-campus. This requires authorization from the DSO and approval from USCIS.

             It’s important to note that each employment option has specific eligibility criteria and application            processes. Students should consult with their designated school officials or immigration advisory  to understand the requirements and procedures for working.  


Wednesday, June 28, 2023

How can I improve my child's brain? Top 10Ways to Boost Your child Brain Power.

Top 10 Ways to improve your child Brain Power.

  1.  Playing is a Good way to engage your child and developed their brain. 
  2. If your child is 5 years old, or it is below 5 years, and then you play with it. 
  3. The child always wants to play but it is also necessary to study. Try teaching your kids while playing.
  4.  If your child watches mobile then let him watch for some time. Watching mobile for a long time is also a mistake, so only one to half hours maximum is allowed to show mobile to a child.
  5.  Tell short stories to your kids for skill development.
  6.  As far as communication is concerned, try to make your children focus on communication right from the starting.
  7. Take care of your kids on art and craft activity also like painting ,Writing, swimming etc.
  8. The diet of the child is important, so keep focus on eating and drinking. 
  9. If your child is fond of music, then introduce him to musical instruments as well.
  10.  Always try to talk to your children in English language only. If you follow the suggestions mentioned above, your child will be mentally and physically fit and healthy.

Educational Activities for 5 year stusent.

 How to improve your Child Mind  whis is under 5 year old.

If your are serious read it carefully.

1. Always try to play with your child  , atlist one or two days in a week go to outdore play loke Running, jumping etc.

2. Any time care about positeve activity , which is your child is doing .

3. Iy your child is always watching Mobile,Laptop etc , then try to avoide it.

4. Always talk with school teacher , whats the performance of my child in class.

5. And one things is very importent which is dite, mantain daily dite of your child .

this are the importent point which is verry tricky thanks

kids drawing

How to Encourage Your Kids to Draw. Drawing is a fun and creative activity that can help your kids express themselves, develop their imagina...